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District 1 Little Leagues "Second Season" Fall Ball

Little Leagues second season gives leagues a great opportunity to lengthen their season and provide additional training and development opportunities to players of all ages. A second season program may be operated any time after the conclusion of regular season play and tournaments as long as the weather allows. Some leagues independently operate summer ball, fall ball, and winter training programs. These programs will also follow little league rules for eligibility, such as needing to register with home leagues and current season age eligibility for the divisions being participated in. 

District 1, as determined by the Presidents of District 1 Leagues, will provide Interleague Play for a "Fall Ball" Season. This is an optional season for District 1 leagues and each league may determine if they will participate so please contact your local league to see if they are offering Fall Ball. Fall Ball is setup as an instructional program with intentions of better preparing all players for the next level of play that they will enter into during next Springs Season. 

If you are having any trouble finding out if your league is participating you can reach out to District 1's Fall Ball Coordinator Frank Costa at this link! D1 Fall Ball 

In the next couple of weeks we will have additional information about divisions, rules links and schedules posted here. Check back as your leagues wrap up registration and reporting for who will be participating. 


Ryan Chartrand
ADA Washington District 1 Little League

Fall Ball Rules

Fall ball rules differ a little from regular spring rules so please be familiar with the rules for your division of play. Rules can be found at the link provided below. If any fall ball divisions are added for the 2024 season District 1 will add those rules to this document for reference. 



Coaches please access schedules below and update with scores and pitch counts upon completion of games.

Baseball Divisions

Softball Divisions