Leagues choosing to participate are expected to meet the following requirements before registered teams will be accepted and
League Documents. Each league shall submit required
organizational documentation to the District Administrator prior to the start of Interleague Play.
Interleague Team Binders. Each team participating in interleague play shall be required to have in their possession at all times a team binder prepared by their
league. That binder shall contain the following items:
Copy of each player registration including medical release and emergency contact information.
Evidence of each volunteer's successful completion of Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest training.
Expectations. Each League is required to comply with all
Interleague Rules, Guidelines, and Procedures.
Manager Meeting. Each team participating in interleague
play is required to have each manager attend the Pre-Season Interleague Managers meeting for their division of play. Failure to do so will result in
the team being removed from the Interleague schedule.