Website Manager


Interleague Directors
Ryan Chartrand
Interleague Coordinator
Josh Veals

2024 Baseball & Softball Schedule-Pitch & Score Reporting (Link)

All Baseball is Scheduled in link above. 
Softball Majors and Minors are Scheduled in link above.
Softball Juniors and Rookies are Still being Drafted

Schedule-Scoring-Pitch Recording

Please see the link on left for the softball and baseball schedule/reporting sheets. Please edit these documents within 24 hours of game completion or before your next scheduled game. Please use email links below to report all schedule change requests. If both leagues agree to change the game can be played even if this schedule update has not happened yet. 


Purpose and Organization Structure of Spring Interleague

District shall have the policy of assisting Leagues to involve as many players as possible participating in Little League Baseball and Softball when the following circumstances exist:

  • Leagues do not have enough players to form a division alone, the district shall form a common division for these teams to play against other leagues in the district.
  • Leagues do not have enough players to form a team, district shall facilitate combining such players with a nearby league to form a team.

The Assistant District Administrator of Interleague Baseball and Softball (ADAI) shall administer the program. The ADAI shall be assisted by the following Volunteers:

  • ADA- Player Agent - responsible for assisting leagues with questions regarding player registration and eligibility, and general setup and use of the Bonzi platform
  • ADA-Interleague Scheduler - responsible for ensuring compliance with District scheduling guidelines and posting/updating schedules on the District website
  • Interleague Division Coordinator - At the discretion of ADA Interleague Director, additional volunteers may be designated to assist in organizing specific divisions, administering pitch count, or scheduling of games

League Participation Requirements

Leagues choosing to participate are expected to meet the following requirements before registered teams will be accepted and scheduled.

League Documents. Each league shall submit required organizational documentation to the District Administrator prior to the start of Interleague Play.

Interleague Team Binders. Each team participating in interleague play shall be required to have in their possession at all times a team binder prepared by their league. That binder shall contain the following items:

  • Copy of each player registration including medical release and emergency contact information.
  • Evidence of each volunteer's successful completion of Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest training.

Expectations. Each League is required to comply with all Interleague Rules, Guidelines, and Procedures.

Manager Meeting. Each team participating in interleague play is required to have each manager attend the Pre-Season Interleague Managers meeting for their division of play. Failure to do so will result in the team being removed from the Interleague schedule.