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Interleague Playing Rules

The official Little League Rule Book shall be followed by all divisions of play.

In addition, District, at its discretion, may designated specific Interleague Rules at each division of play, for purposes of rule emphasis, proper instruction and safety of players and volunteers.

  • All teams shall follow the District Interleague Rules for each respective division of play for the entire season
    • Rules shall be approved by the League President's prior to the start of the season. No changes will occur during the season.
    • All Teams Participating in Interleague Play shall follow interleague rules for all games played during the season. This shall include any "in house" games.
    • GENTLEMEN agreements (i.e. agreements between two coaches that change any published rules) or any general modifications to the rules mutually agreed upon by coaches ARE NOT permitted at any time and are subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension of the offending manager(s).
  • Each Interleague Division shall hold a MANDATORY manager's meeting PRIOR to the start of games. The purpose of this meeting shall be to (1) review the Interleague rules, (2) Establish communication among the division managers and review process of reporting. (3) Review game management expectations and discuss umpires.

    Meeting dates are as follows and will be hosted on MS Teams. Links to these meetings is below and will be emailed to league presidents for distribution to all Managers and Coaches. . 
    -Baseball (Intermediates, Juniors, Seniors) will occur on Wednesday March 26th at 7-8pm. 
    -Softball (All Divisions) will occur on Thursday March 27th at 7-8pm. 
    -Baseball (All 60ft base Divisions) will occur on Friday March 28th at 7-8pm.

    Microsoft Teams

    Join the meeting now

    Meeting ID: 238 395 745 100

    Passcode: VB7VE968

Dial in by phone

+1 509-505-0540,,712291414# 

Phone conference ID: 712 291 414#

  • Each Team Manager and League President will be provided with a listing of all managers participating in interleague play. This shall include email and cell phone contact information. This list is available on the first tab of the Interleague Schedule.

Interleague Rules Regarding Umpires

General Guidelines

  • Home team is responsible for providing umpire gear for the home plate umpire.
  • Each team is required to have at least one team designated umpire and they must attend league provided training prior to the start of games.
  • If a manager or coach is called upon to umpire they MUST refrain from coaching while umpiring.

Minor league play. The home team shall be responsible to provide one approved adult volunteer umpire for each game. The HOME team umpire shall be positioned behind home plate. The VISITING team shall provide one approved adult volunteer to umpire the bases.

Major's and above. The HOME team shall provide at least one, preferably two, approved and qualified umpires for each game. If one is provided they are required to be the home plate umpire.

At the Major, Intermediate, Junior, and Senior Divisions of Baseball and Softball, the HOME team manager (or one of their coaches) will be required to be the home plate umpire if a qualified league approved umpire is not provided.