Washington District 1 shall make available to properly registered players the option for placement in the level of play as outlined above, OR the option for consideration of placement into the next level of play. Consideration for placement in the next level of play is subject to the following:
- Consideration is at the discretion of home league of the player and a request IS NOT a guarantee for placement in next level of play.
- The League shall agree to comply with all guidelines of Washington District 1 Little League for Interleague play.
- The recommendation of the home league is required and shall be subject to an on-field skill assessment of the subject player(s). The League shall also consider overall player safety, age AND roster availability.
- The recommendation of the League President and Player Agent is required. The approval of the League Board of Directors is also required.
- The decision of the District 1 Administrator (or their designee) is required, is binding and cannot be changed.
Each League shall provide the District 1 Administrator, or their designee, an accurately completed Interleague Player Exception for each player approved by the subject league. The Agreement (s) must be submitted no later than a date designated by the ADA-Interleague Director. Late documents will not be accepted.